Colors Island kit by Cre@-bisontine
Autor's description:
Not a theme very original sorry : the sea, beach, summer....but colorful and perfect for little mermaids and pirates of the caribbean !
This kit includes:
- 6 papers
- 88 elements with some being recolored
- An alpha in 4 colors
All elements are in individual png files.
All created at 300 dpi.
Not everything is shown on the preview
Be sure to check out the additional previews for close-ups and examples of the kit in action
This kit is S4H friendly
Store: shabbypickledesigns
Save 20% - sale price is $4.72
LOs from this kit:
LOs were created by: alice, chichenilla, christine, eva, juliegoodgirl, karen, malu, manue, melly, misslavanillee, Nadlm, nath54, nzmumof, petu, scraptigz, she, sternakete, everecinella, thejocool
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